General Health & Safety.
The cleanliness and trustworthiness of the restaurants and food vendors that we visit has always been our #1 priority. We visit these places daily and are confident in their ability to provide delicious and hygienic dishes. Moreover, these are local restaurants that are often family run. They rely entirely on the local community to keep them in business. If their food isn’t incredible and their venue isn’t hygienic, they simply won’t survive.
We also do our best to work with each vendor to ensure any special dietary requirements are met, and to make sure portions and hygiene meet our guests’ expectations. While restaurant standards do vary by country, and may be different than what you are used to, we are confident you can trust our selections.
We vet these things so you don’t have to worry about it, and we have a zero-tolerance policy with all of our vendors. This means that if we get sick or feel uncomfortable after a meal, we will not visit again.
With that said, it’s not unusual for stomachs to need some time in order to adjust to the local cuisine and ingredients when traveling internationally. If you’re well-traveled, you already understand, but everyone should be prepared to tolerate these adjustments.
If you have any questions or concerns about our health and safety information, or about joining one of our tours, please don’t hesitate to contact us.