Karem: No-Machine Coconut Ice Cream/Froyo Recipe

Karem No-Machine Coconut Ice Cream Recipe

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This is an authentic recipe from our team in Cambodia, featured in our Cambodia Recipe Box. The ingredients labeled with a * below are hard-to-find ingredients that we’ve sourced from Cambodia and are all included in our recipe box which is available for shipping throughout the USA and China. For more information and to purchase online, click here.

The Story of Coconut Ice Cream​

This is a popular street food item. Vendors with modified orange coolers strapped to their motorcycle carriages often serve this in cups or as sandwiches with yellow sweet bread. There are coconut and a “chocolate” flavor (which is really just coconut with a bit of Milo drink powder mixed in) and it’s served with chopped toasted peanuts and a drizzle of non-dairy condensed milk. These vendors often also sell bubble teas, made from powdered tea-mixes, which are shaken in cocktail shakers. 

Often called “dirty ice-cream”, our local ice-cream man didn’t have much access to ice-cream machines or expensive imported dairy products. Most of us are lactose intolerant anyway. The result is a simple and delicious creation you can replicate at home. Start it before dinner and it should be ready for dessert. 

Recipe Note:

Be wary, not all coconut milks are the same. We’ve chosen this one because it is the most similar in taste and composition to local freshly-squeezed coconut milk in Cambodian markets. There are no extra ingredients that screw up its many uses. Just make sure to shake the carton vigorously before use. We’ve also included a dried mix as well (which we’ve tested too) that has a long shelf life for you to always be able to whip out something deliciously Cambodian at your leisure.

If you want a healthier version or just stretch out the coconut milk a bit, you can add whole fat greek yogurt and cut the amount of condensed milk. A whole-fat Greek style yogurt (like coconut milk) is low in water, so it won’t crystalize too much when you freeze it, so you don’t need an ice cream machine to prevent the ice crystals from forming. (Also, it’s better for you than the non-fat versions, because all that fat is replaced by bad sugars and thickening agents. Non-fat yogurt is a lie and made by people who don’t care about you.) Blending it later yields a creamy final product, rather than a smoothie which would come from a higher water content. 

Feel free to modify and add to this recipe as you like, it’s a beautiful canvas to play around with. 

Serves 4
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 45 mins
Skill Level: Beginner


Items marked with a * are included in our Cambodia Recipe Box.

400ml / 14oz whole fat pure coconut milk* (Shake carton vigorously before use.) 

100 / 3.5oz ml non-dairy sweetened condensed milk (My Boy brand is what is used by street vendors. Most grocery stores carry a condensed coconut milk.)

Optional: whole fat greek yogurt to taste

Optional: dried coconut flakes*

To serve:

Toasted chopped peanuts

Sweetened condensed milk



  1. Mix ingredients together well to taste, and freeze for at least 45 minutes. (Time may depend on your freezer and on the container you use; a larger container has a greater surface area to volume ratio in contact with the cold air.)
  2. When ready to eat, blend the almost-frozen mixture until smooth and creamy. Serve in a sweet bread sandwich, and top with a drizzle of condensed milk and chopped peanuts. You can also serve this with our banana fritter recipe, which is sensational. 
  3. Unlikely leftovers can be refrozen for later use. Allow a bit of time to thaw enough to blend. 

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